Monday, April 21, 2008

Mike Myers is "The Love Guru"

Mike Myers returns to the big screen on June 20th as "The Love Guru." Myers plays Pitka, a spiritual master in the ways of love. To give you a taste of what the movie is all about, visit these Guru-related sites:

Official Love Guru Movie Site

Vacation with Pitka (upload your photo and insert the Guru). You also can look at stills, the trailer and download some cool things from the film.

The Guru on Facebook

You could win a year’s supply of hot, sticky Cinnabons courtesy of The Guru by fanning our page! You also can check out the Viral Soundboard of funny lines from the film to pass along to friends and view a “Widgetized” video from the film.

The Love Guru on MySpace

Friend our profile for the chance to “Get Lei-ed in Hawaii”
Read the first person character profile created by The Guru Pitka
Check out the weekly character blogs from The Guru Pitka
Plus there's a Guru with Celebrities photo gallery

The Love Guru on YouTube

Weekly “Sutra” videos by Mike Myers as The Guru Pitka - with 1,071,108 video views to date

Guru Pitka Viral Site

This site contains the following "Guru" stuff:

Hub for Weekly “Sutra” videos by Mike Myers as The Guru Pitka
Word of the Week and Compound Word of the Week Videos from Mike Myers plus a Guru with Celebrities photo gallery.

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